Sustainable climate finance: how to bridge the gaps

06 April 2023

During the GLF conference ‘Luxembourg Finance for Nature: What comes next?’ MoMo4C partners and other experts presented and discussed challenges and solutions to fund such initiatives in low- and middle-income countries. 

A little push from my friends: VSLA groups promote economic empowerment among women

29 March 2023

Video - To help farmers have more access to finance, Tropenbos Ghana has been developing Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) in the Juabeso-Bia and Sefwi-Wiawso landscapes. This has allowed farmers to invest in climate-smart practices.

A synergy to support climate friendly businesses

29 March 2023

Tropenbos Indonesia recently organized a "Business Meeting Day" as the peak of the 2nd round of KURRI, a competition that aims to support the development of micro-enterprises in Ketapang District, West Kalimantan. The event took place at the District Hall on Wednesday, 15 March 2023 and gathered various parties including KURRI finalists and winners, community, government staff, private sector, and financial institutions.

Global Landscapes Forum: join the MoMo4C sustainable climate finance session

27 February 2023

At the Global Landscapes Forum on the 7th of March, the organisations behind Moblising More for Climate (MoMo4C) and Green Finance for Sustainable Landscapes (GF4SL) will jointly host a session on climate finance. We will address the complex challenges encountered and share the solutions developed in landscapes in Cameroon, Uganda, Zambia, Ghana and Indonesia.

Paper: Business case development to support climate resilient landscapes

30 November 2022

Climate change has major consequences for people and nature. Many of the more vulnerable countries in the tropics lack the financial and other resources to adapt to climate change effects. In a new paper, we outline the key lessons learned from our project MoMo4C on development of green business cases in tropical landscapes.

Supporting sustainable and innovative enterprises in Indonesia

21 November 2022

Following successes in 2021, the second year of the KURRI programme in 2022 has seen 14 small enterprises in Kalimantan selected for their potential to have positive environmental and social impacts. As well as vegetable and woven craft producers, innovations include the production of charcoal briquettes from rice husks, chips from banana stems, herbal drinks, and a refill station for drinking water bottles.

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