Zambia: KAZA, Luangwa & Kafue landscape

The total land mass of Zambia is estimated at approximately 752,618 square kms and a population of about 17 million people. Bordering eight countries and sitting at the headwaters of two of Africa’s major river systems – the Zambezi and the Congo, Zambia is home to vast natural wealth and critical conservation areas. Wildlife biodiversity makes Zambia’s protected areas important and economically valuable areas. Floristic diversity is estimated at 3,543 species while Faunal diversity comprises 224 mammals, 409 fish species, 67 amphibians, 150 reptiles and 733 bird species. Zambia has significant populations of large mammals. The protected area system covers approximately 42% of the country. Zambia’s freshwater resources are important for food, energy, poverty reduction, and economic growth. Hydropower accounts for 86% of Zambia’s 2800 MW of installed electricity capacity. Agriculture is also heavily dependent on Zambia’s water supply, followed by industries and households. Furthermore, floodplain fishing is a major source of protein for local communities as well as an income source for those whose livelihoods depend on artisanal fishing.

Climate change challenge

Specific challenges for Zambia landscapes (KAZA, Kafue, Luangwa) include unsustainable fisheries, deforestation, mining, infrastructure development, illegal logging, poaching, and unsustainable agriculture practices. These threats contribute to climate vulnerability and are in turn exacerbated by climate change. Productivity is under threat. Stakeholders, particularly companies and investors, are not always fully aware of the risks of climate change, and the role that healthy landscapes can play to contribute to mitigating the causes and adapting to the impacts. At the same time, due to lack of investable projects available, investors, including large corporations, are not triggered to make large-scale investments in more sustainable practices.

Momo4c action in Zambia

WWF NL and WWF Zambia work through a multi-stakeholder engagement to (i) raise awareness and collaboration on fighting climate change and (ii) support the development and acceleration of business cases in select landscape (s), that have a positive impact on society and nature. MoMo4C interventions seek to tackle the impacts and causes of climate change while at the same time creating sustainable economic opportunities for communities e.g. employment/ fair wages/ youth and women empowerment etc. at a landscape level

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